Denial of Service

A Denial of Service is a type of botnet attack or user based attack that exhausts resources.  Resources could consist of file systems, processes, memory, threads, CPU, and human or financial resources.  The resources could be related to web, application, databases, or any services that support the application, like third party API’s, services or CDNs. The attack could target the entire application or individual accounts within the application. This is one of those attacks that can be both malicious or friendly.  They can happen naturally due to a large influx of traffic for something popular or news breaking.

Alternate Names and Examples:

Account lockout

App layer DDoS

Asymmetric resource consumption (amplification)

Business logic DDoS

Cash overflow

Forced deadlock

Hash DoS

Inefficient code

Indexer DoS

Large files DoS

Resource depletion, locking or exhaustion

Sustained client engagement


• A part or all of an application becoming unavailable

• An increase in the number of user lock-outs

• An increase in the number of users complaining about speed

• A worstening of process performance

• Network performance becoming abnormally slow

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